Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Post 16

Post 12 My Truckalogue

Email to W/C Claims Adjuster
date Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:41 PM
subject Saw the Orthopedist yesterday - requesting a "panel"

I saw the Orthopedist yesterday - Dr. Robert Wolfe, 3525 Independence Dr., B'ham AL. I'm not at all happy with his diagnosis, and I'm requesting a "Panel". My older brother is involved in worker's comp somehow. I'm not sure he doesn't do the same thing you or Lauren does. When I told him how I felt about Dr. Wolfe's opinion, he suggested I needed to ask you for a Panel. I'm assuing that's what this is:
from (a link that doesn't work anymore, but was at the State of Alabama's website)
"..... What are the options for the injured employee if he or she gets an adverse determination pursuant to medical dispute resolution? For the employer if determination is in employee's favor?
Employees may request a medical mediation through this Division, or the employee or his attorney may petition the court. The employer/carrier may act on our recommendation or petition the court....
What is the purpose of a medical mediation and how is it conducted?
A medical mediation is handled the same as our compensation mediations, except the issues to be mediated are medical issues and not settlement of compensation. Contact Sally Thames for scheduling. If the parties agree to a resolution of the medical issues in question, the parties shall sign a binding mediation agreement."

I tried to put my thoughts on paper early this morning. I'm just going to copy/paste parts of what I wrote (a diary sort-of) to explain what happened at Dr. Wolfe's.

I went to see the ortho yesterday. I'm very unhappy with his diagnosis, which was basically that there's nothing wrong with my shoulder except the rotor cuff is "bruised" and it'll get better over time. This in spite of a sharp, stabbing pain that nearly dropped me to my knees as he was testing ... something other than whether or not I could lift my arms over my head. Apparently, if you can lift your arms over your head, there's nothing wrong with you except a "bruise" .... The doc-in-a-box up in CT saw that I could pass this test and said the same thing - "bruise - take Motrin."
After stereotyping me yesterday, the Ortho wrote a return to work authorization which said I may resume work on 1/13/09, the same day, with the following limitations: "no repetitive overhead use of right shoulder for 2 weeks then resume duty." He also said he could give me a shot of cortisone "if I wanted one", and I could do physical therapy "if I wanted to." (I declined the shot.) He left the room and some other guy (a nurse maybe) came in to tell me about the physical therapy.
How am I going to do physical therapy if I'm to resume work? Why, in my truck, of course. This nurse said he was recommending a "home" program so I could do the therapy in my truck while I'm on the road. Therapy is to include "A/AA/PROM with stick, pulleys, wall walking, etc.,.... and give patient T-bands and pulleys for home use", according to the paper I'm supposed to take to the therapy people. As I write it I'm overwhelmed with a sense of ridiculousness.
Consider this: If it doesn't hurt to lift my arm over my head, why would he say I couldn't do it for 2 weeks while I'm at work? However, it does hurt when I move it in almost every other position, but there are no restrictions on those movements.
Why is everybody insisting I have a rotator cuff problem in the first place?
It dawned on me, just as I wrote that last sentence, that my problem won't involve researching rotator cuff injuries. It'll involve convincing the w/c people that maybe I have an injury that's not related to the rotator cuff. Something's wrong with my shoulder, and it damned sure isn't a "bruise".
I'm sick and disappointed over this whole thing. Knowing I'll probably have to hire an attorney makes it even worse. I kinda feel like crying. I think it's gonna be a busy day.

I told my brother that y'all had been super nice and helpful. So again, I'm asking for help. Please tell me what the next step is.

Thanks so much,