Thursday, January 15, 2009

Post 17a

Storage Location
Email to W/C Claims Adjuster
Wed, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:27 AM
Subject: My Safety Director just called - I need to stay off work

Claim Adjuster #2,

Dan Banner, our Safety Director at AMX, just now called to get an update from me. He knew the Orthopedist had ordered me back to work with "no repetitive overhead use of right shoulder for 2 weeks ...." He said he conversed with Benefits Girl and that, (paraphrasing him) while I didn't do any overhead work, there was a lot of stretching, etc., getting in and out of a truck. I almost cried, because it was such a relief to hear him say this.

I told Dan the Orthopedist had ignored the sideways movement that had caused me to cry out in his office. I told him the only movement anybody seemed interested in was whether or not I could lift my hands above my head. He said there was no point in my coming back to work only to find I couldn't do the job right now. He said I shouldn't come back until I felt comfortable with it, and that I needed to urge the Worker's Comp people to go ahead and get the panel together.

So I'm asking you - please call Dan or Benefits Girl at AMX. I'm not going back to work until my shoulder is better per Dan's instructions